Mostly pictures, but also a little text, about my life. My work is generally published here.



Jeg stjal Anna Louise som model i går.
Her er resultatet.


Mask Murderer Series:

A montage of pictures that i took last year. I rediscovered them on my flickr-page yesterday.
Funny how old stuff can actually look pretty decent, huh?

Ok, err, goodnight.



"Where are all the black cloaks?"

I went horseback riding with my younger sister yesterday, and i figured i would redo some of my pictures of her and her horse. Acually it is just a little pony, but it's big for her.

More stuff tomorrow when my headaches stop.



This is one of my favorite shots from about a year ago.
Me and some friends went to sweden and camped in a cave, climbed on the cliffs and cooked over a campfire.



Zen nr. II

I am trying to figure out a smart way to get bigger and better pictures on my blog.
I guess i might just have found it: hosting on Flickr.

Nonetheless, Good night.


The people, including myself, I had the joy to photograph yesterday.




Also known as the art of being Zen.

I think i love my window more right now. It's rainin and i can hear it and smell it so clearly.
Maybe one should record it so I could listen to it every day?

Ok, back to the sailboats.


Mames Babegenush - The afterleif.

The title pretty much explains itself.
Had a couple of pictures left from the afterparty.
Here they are:



Mames Babegenush

Hvis du var der ved du hvad jeg mener.
Skal der være fest, så skal du have fat på de hér drenge!
Mames Babegenush.

Natten sluttede først kl. 5 for mit vedkommende, og koncerten plus de 2-3 ekstrakoncerter som pludselig opstod af jamsessions var en god grund til at blive oppe!

Godnat, nu vil jeg læse en bog og høre musik.

Anyways, her er billederne:



Re Port Age

1. Maj:

Røde faner.


